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The Church: The Body of Christ

Pastor Richard Church

One of the most important descriptions given of the church in Scripture is "the body of Christ." This term does not refer to any one sect, denomination, or organization, but rather to all those who have placed their trust in the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ at Calvary. It is the one true church today. Its members are found among the ranks of countless denominations. Likewise, many "church members" have not yet joined this one true church by faith, but are still relying on their religious rituals or religious affiliation to save them.

There are several important points to remember about the body of Christ:

1. The word "church" in the Bible does not necessarily refer to the Body of Christ.
The word "church" (and the underlying Greek word ekklesia) simply means "a called out assembly." For instance, the nation of Israel is called a "church" in Acts 7:38. This "church" included believers and non-believers. In fact, the Greek word ekklesia is even used of an unruly mob in Acts 19:32. The word "churches" is used to refer to pagan temples in Acts 19:37.

2. Not all believers in the Bible were members of the Body of Christ.
According to Romans 7:4, it is by the body of Christ that we become "dead to the law" and are married to Christ "who is raised from the dead." Thus the earliest that the Body of Christ could have begun is the resurrection of Christ. In fact, careful study of the Bible reveals that the body of Christ did not begin until the Lord saved Saul of Tarsus, who became its first member (1 Tim 1:15-16). Today, all those who make the decision to trust the death, burial and resurrection of Christ for their salvation instantly become members of Christ's body.

3. The term "Body of Christ" reveals the intimacy between Christ and the believer.
Believers comprise the "Body" of which Christ is the "Head" (Eph 4:15; Col 1:18). The relationship between Christ and the church is like the relationship between the mind and the body. In one sense this points to the authority of Christ, in that He gives the instructions and our task is to obey. But it also points to the care of Christ for the church, as much of the function of the mind is to care for the needs of the members of the body.

The relationship of "Head" and "Body" is also likened to a marriage relationship in which a man and wife become "one flesh" (Eph 5:23-32). As the husband has the responsibility to meet the needs of his wife, so Christ meets the needs of the church. As the wife is to be subject to her own husband, so the church is to be subject to Christ.

Being a member of Christ's body is one of the greatest gifts that God offers to man. If you have not yet become a member of the body of Christ, the Lord invites you to join today. There is no membership fee, no application form. Simply make the decision to trust Christ and His death, burial and resurrection for your salvation.

Friendship Congregational Bible Church
100 South Adams Street
Friendship, Wisconsin 53934
(608) 339-9522

Site designed and maintained by Richard C. Church